

In diesen Rubriken finden Sie unsere handgearbeiteten Repliken berühmter archäologischer Funde berühmter Museen, darunter Dinge des täglichen Lebens wie Öllampen und Bronzefiguren, Tintenfässer und römisches Geschirr, sowie Accessoires der römischen Kleidung wie Gewand Fibeln, Gürtelschließen , Haarnadeln und auch Schmuck wie Siegelringe mit handgravierten Gemmen, Ohrringe, Armreife (armilla) und Ketten. Auch das römische Militär findet große Beachtung, wie liefern Ihnen sowohl Repliken römischer Waffen wie Schwerter (Gladius) , Spathae, Dolche (Pugio) und Messer, Römische Helme aus Bronze oder Eisen, Legionärsgürtel und Offiziers Orden (Dona Militaria). Im Bereich Gladiatoren finden Sie sowohl die Ausrüstung der Gladiatoren für ihre Kämpfe, Gladiatorendolch, Gürtel, etc. aber auch Fanartikel wie Ringe. Im Bereich Medizin und Aberglaube oder Magie finden Sie medizinische Instrumente , aber auch Objekte der Magie wie magische Gemmen, die zur Heilung hinzugezogen wurden.

Here you will find a selection of photos of replicas (replicas of ancient originals) of different eras, which we can produce for you after ordering. Since we deliberately do not want to produce mass-produced goods, you will understand that we cannot have such quantities in stock. Each piece is handmade by us for you, whereby we can also respond to customer requests regarding mass, engravings and gemstones, etc. You will be happy to receive information about the delivery time of the corresponding item. You will receive a unique piece that will bring you or the recipient a lot of pleasure. No call centre suits us, so you have the opportunity to talk to us directly about the realization of the replica.

roman 2nd century pugio
roman 2nd century pugio
roman 2nd century pugio
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Byzantine peacock earrings
Byzantine peacock earrings
Byzantine peacock earrings
Price incl. VAT
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Roman earrings from Serbia
Roman earrings from Serbia
Roman earrings from Serbia
Price incl. VAT
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Roman earrings from Serbia
Roman earrings from Serbia
Roman earrings from Serbia
Price incl. VAT
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Roman earrings from Serbia
Roman earrings from Serbia
Roman earrings from Serbia
Price incl. VAT
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medieval ring 13th century
medieval ring 13th century
medieval ring 13th century
Price incl. VAT
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​celtic silver ring
​celtic silver ring
​celtic silver ring
Price incl. VAT
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Mainz type gladius Arles
Mainz type gladius Arles
Mainz type gladius Arles
Price incl. VAT
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semi Gladius herculaneum
semi Gladius herculaneum
semi Gladius herculaneum
Price incl. VAT
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Price incl. VAT
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English gladius
English gladius
English gladius
Price incl. VAT
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roman necklace from Aquilea
roman necklace from Aquilea
roman necklace from Aquilea
Price incl. VAT
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late roman ring Chi Rho
late roman ring Chi Rho
late roman ring Chi Rho
Price incl. VAT
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roman ring sol invictus
roman ring sol invictus
roman ring sol invictus
Price incl. VAT
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roman ring Abraxas
roman ring Abraxas
roman ring Abraxas
Price incl. VAT
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Canteen grapes
Canteen grapes
Canteen grapes
Price incl. VAT
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roman saddle horns
roman saddle horns
roman saddle horns
Price incl. VAT
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roman tripod
roman tripod
roman tripod
Price incl. VAT
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small roman ring
small roman ring
small roman ring
Price incl. VAT
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small roman ring
small roman ring
small roman ring
Price incl. VAT
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roman snake ring
roman snake ring
roman snake ring
Price incl. VAT
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late roman  ring
late roman ring
late roman ring
Price incl. VAT
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late Republican Pugio
late Republican Pugio
late Republican Pugio
Price incl. VAT
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roman oil lamp Pompeii
roman oil lamp Pompeii
roman oil lamp Pompeii
Price incl. VAT
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Lorica squamata Aalen
Lorica squamata Aalen
Lorica squamata Aalen
Price incl. VAT
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Lorica segmentata Kalkriese
Lorica segmentata Kalkriese
Lorica segmentata Kalkriese
Price incl. VAT
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roman signet ring Freud
roman signet ring Freud
roman signet ring Freud
Price incl. VAT
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late roman boarse spoon
late roman boarse spoon
late roman boarse spoon
Price incl. VAT
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Roman Eros pendant
Roman Eros pendant
Roman Eros pendant
Price incl. VAT
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Belt buckle Valentinian I
Belt buckle Valentinian I
Belt buckle Valentinian I
Price incl. VAT
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Cupido riding on a lion
Cupido riding on a lion
Cupido riding on a lion
Price incl. VAT
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1 - 60 of 122 items
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