Roman intaglio after a find from France, Sainte- Soline, Deux- Sèvres. Fortuna is represented with the ships rudder, the cornucopia (from Latin cornu copiae) or horn of plenty. But she also wears the wings of the
goddess Victoria and the helmet and Spear of the goddess Minerva. available with Fortune or Mars engraving.
Roman gem on a two coloured handgraved agate gemstone: 12x16 mm
Solid silver ring in 925 Ag silver, pure gold 24 carat mounting.
We have been a leading company in the industry for over 25 years and have an international reputation in research and craftsmanship
Our products are made exclusively by us in Germany in meticulous handwork, so we guarantee high quality and are always your contact for repairs.
By combining various craft techniques and areas, from archaeological research, foundry, gemstone cutting, gemstone engraving, driving work, carpentry, etc., we are your contact so that a replica from AZ can be created from a single source.