Here you will find a selection of photos of replicas (replicas of ancient originals) of different eras, which we can produce for you after ordering. Since we deliberately do not want to produce mass-produced goods, you will understand that we cannot have such quantities in stock. Each piece is handmade by us for you, whereby we can also respond to customer requests regarding mass, engravings and gemstones, etc. You will be happy to receive information about the delivery time of the corresponding item. You will receive a unique piece that will bring you or the recipient a lot of pleasure. No call centre suits us, so you have the opportunity to talk to us directly about the realization of the replica.
We have been a leading company in the industry for over 25 years and have an international reputation in research and craftsmanship
Our products are made exclusively by us in Germany in meticulous handwork, so we guarantee high quality and are always your contact for repairs.
By combining various craft techniques and areas, from archaeological research, foundry, gemstone cutting, gemstone engraving, driving work, carpentry, etc., we are your contact so that a replica from AZ can be created from a single source.